Archaic Arms Swords And weapons
Archaic Arms are a broad category of non-powered melee and ranged weapons, ranging from improvised weapons to weapons designed especially for combat. In a high-tech setting like the Star Frontiers game, it is not rare to encounter people making use of archaic arms. Criminals might be forced to use a piece of furniture or junk to make an improvised club when their ammo runs out, which is a reason to carry dedicated melee protection. Some people or worlds might uphold weapon cultures that favor archaic weapons. In an unresolved world inhabited by primitive people, the only weapons they have access to are archaic arms.
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Archaic Arms
archaicarms.com has the largest catalog of Swords on the internet and new stock is added almost daily! From fantasy swords to use swords, we have a selection that includes hand-forged, heirloom-quality, and officially authorized reproduction weapons that the actors actually used in the Lord of the Rings. archaicarms.com takes its inventory of swords very seriously and only offers the highest quality products, consistently maintaining a standard of perfection that is unrivaled. You won’t believe the selection and diversity of styles that we have to choose from and all at reasonable prices for the quality of work. You’ll also find saber swords, Movie Sword, weapons, sword sticks, historical swords, and twin sword sets.

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